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labour conference造句

  • However the Labour conference voted to drop its opposition to rearmament.
  • He represented the country at many international labour conferences and seminars.
  • He led the German delegation to the International Labour Conference at Geneva in 1929-31.
  • In 1957 he attended the International Labour Conference in Geneva as an adviser to the Belgian delegation.
  • At the Labour conference in October 1989, the Policy Review documents were endorsed with big majorities.
  • He strongly criticised the British government's Germany, saying to the Labour conference in autumn 1937:
  • In 1878, Shipton travelled to Paris, leading the English delegation at an early international labour conference.
  • Rakeshwar Pandey has represented India in " Geneva " in 2008, in International Labour Conference.
  • On the next day the Labour conference endorsed the Policy Review by a margin of 5 to 1.
  • National Conference is often held in conjunction with Young Labour Conference, to help reduce members'travel costs.
  • It's difficult to see labour conference in a sentence. 用labour conference造句挺难的
  • Socialist and labour party delegates include SPCBC at 13-year-old Western Labour Conference, in Calgary.
  • In 1944 Tomlinson was a British delegate at the International Labour Conference held at Philadelphia in the United States.
  • The programme was launched by the International Labour Organisation in 1976 at the request of the International Labour Conference.
  • "' 1928 "': International Labour Conference implemented system to fix wages for different trades.
  • Giri was the Workers'Delegate of the Indian delegation at the International Labour Conference of the ILO in 1927.
  • At the 1989 Labour conference in Tralee a number of socialist and Marxist activists, organised around the Socialist Party.
  • When Bondfield tabled the WLL motion at the Labour conference, she was persuaded by Arthur Henderson to water it down.
  • He represented employers of at International Labour Conferences : 1919 in Washington, D . C . and 1924 in Geneva.
  • The ILO organizes the International Labour Conference in Geneva every year in June, where conventions and recommendations are crafted and adopted.
  • On 24 November, Tony Blair addressed the Scottish Labour conference as Labour Party leader and Prime Minister for the last time.
  • 更多造句:  1  2  3
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